Best Gadgets to Cook a Turkey

December 4, 2022

If you’re Gadgets to Cook a Turkey | This Old House for Thanksgiving, you need a few gadgets to make your job easier. This list includes the best ones, from the smallest to the most impressive.

Do you put oil or butter on a turkey?

A thermometer is one of the most important gadgets for Thanksgiving. It will let you know when the turkey is done. Without it, you can’t keep the temperature of the oven constant. You’ll also need a turkey baster to fill with your favorite liquid.

The ThermoWorks Thermapen is the best thermometer for the kitchen. Made of high carbon stainless steel, it delivers accurate readings in a few seconds.

Another must-have is a potato masher. Not only does it save space in your drawer, but it’s also easy to use.

An electric carving knife is another must have for a Thanksgiving dinner. Electric knives are much easier to use than a manual blade, and can help you carve your bird in no time.

The ThermoWorks ChefAlarm is another useful gadget. It comes with a timer, multiple alarms, and a large display. These features make it a great alternative to opening the oven door for checking the temperature.

Although not an essential item, an apple holder is a must for a holiday meal. These collapsible carriers have enough space for two 9-inch pies, or for a couple of dozen deviled eggs. They’re also durable and dishwasher safe.

Finally, a pie carrier is a must for Thanksgiving dinner. You’ll be able to double your deviled eggs and pies in the Progressive International Collapsible Pie Carrier.