CBD Cat Treats

November 15, 2023

cbd cat treats

Your feline companion is the love of your life, and you want them to be as happy and healthy as possible. That’s why cbd cat treats are a great way to support their health and wellness needs. They’re a tasty treat that helps to reduce anxiety, ease their discomfort from arthritis and joint issues, help with sleep, and more.

These cbd cat treats for cats from Honest Paws contain 2mg of full-spectrum CBD in each 60-count tub and come with a delicious chicken flavor, along with natural ingredients like pea and garbanzo flower, silver vine, and MCT oil. These ingredients are known to promote a healthy coat, improve skin health, and provide energy for your cat. The formula also includes omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which helps to relieve stress and hyperactivity in cats.

Whisker Delights: Unveiling the Benefits of CBD Cat Treats for Feline Wellness

Aside from helping to soothe achy joints and muscles, these CBD cat treats can help alleviate the symptoms of what’s known as “the zoomies” – the hyperactive behavior that results from repressed energy. This is especially helpful for pets that are fearful of certain situations, such as trips to the vet or groomer.

Another perk of these pet-friendly CBD supplements is that they’re made with quality ingredients, third-party lab testing, and a high potency. They are also available in bulk and can save you money on your monthly supply.

Remember, these cbd cat treats are not meant to replace regular vet visits, proper diet and exercise, and other important factors that contribute to your pet’s overall wellness. Always talk to your veterinarian before implementing new supplements or other health care regimens into your cat’s lifestyle.