Digital Flow Meter

August 5, 2021

A digital flow meter is a device used to measure the pressure of fluids. The measurement of pressure involves the detection of the amount of resistance present in the flow. A digital flow meter has many applications in the fields of energy, manufacturing, fluid measurement, water measurement, etc. It is usually utilized to measure the pressure of different fluids, such as water, oil, or steam.

How to use Digital Flow Meter

digital flow meter


In a digital flow meter, all the four components act like sensors. They detect, measure, and then convert their corresponding measurements to results that are readable and comparable between different devices. The three major internal sensors, which are usually in direct connection with the working area, are thermometers, anemometers, and pressure transducers. All the digital devices are controlled via a computer and then stored on a memory chip that acts as a non volatile database. This data is retrievable via a microchip modem when the power fluctuates and then can be analyzed by manual methods, for example by connecting it to a computer and then interpreting the results.

The accuracy of digital flow meters is measured in hertz. The error in measurement will depend on the type of circuitry, the sensitivity of the unit, and the frequency of the measurement. The measurement of any specific product may not always be accurate, so it is necessary to compensate for the errors in order to get a reliable reading. The error that may result from manual calibration of the meter is also factored in the calculation of the efficiency of the product.