How to Choose the Right CBD Syrup for You

March 22, 2023

cbd hemp syrup

Hemp syrup  is an edible product that is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to consume CBD. It is thicker than CBD oil and is usually infused with a variety of flavors or natural herbs to give it an extra boost of flavor.

How to Choose the Right CBD Syrup for You

The first thing to look for when purchasing a cbd hemp syrup is the ingredients. You want to make sure that the CBD syrup you purchase is sourced from hemp and that it contains all of the necessary phytonutrients.

In addition, you should also check that the product has been independently lab tested and is a full-spectrum extract with a high potency. This will ensure that you are getting the maximum amount of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and omega-3 fatty acids from the hemp.

Hemp Syrup: A Natural and Delicious Way to Promote Wellness

If you decide to buy a cbd hemp syrup, be sure to store it in a cool, dark place. It will keep well for a while as long as it is not exposed to sunlight and heat.


The recommended dosage for most brands of cbd hemp syrup is 1-2 teaspoons or around a tablespoon, taken at bedtime. This should be a low dose to begin with and can be increased over time as you get used to taking it. This is especially true if you are using a syrup that has melatonin added to it, which can help promote sleep.