How to Stay Motivated on Your Weight Loss Journey

June 16, 2023

weight loss journey

There’s no one-size-fits-all way to weight loss journey but these tips can help. Talk to your Baptist Health doctor about the best diet and exercise for you. Even modest weight loss can improve your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and make you feel healthier.

Having specific and realistic goals can help you reach your goal, but don’t get discouraged if you experience a setback. Focus on the positives, such as feeling more active, having more energy and being able to wear your favorite pair of jeans again. Keep track of your progress in a journal so you can see the success you’re having, and be sure to celebrate the small victories along the way.

Setting Yourself Up for Success: Essential Tips for Starting Your Weight Loss Journey

You may find that once you lose a certain amount of weight, it becomes easier to maintain your new healthy lifestyle. You might find that your body starts reacting differently to certain foods, or that you’re able to complete activities that were previously too hard.

It can also be helpful to look at before and after pictures of yourself to remind you of your motivation. Try to find a picture of yourself at a lower weight and tape it on your fridge or in the bathroom. Then, refer to it throughout the day to help you stay motivated and on track. Remember, it’s not just about losing weight; it’s about creating a lasting change in your habits. To learn more about how you can lose weight and reap the health benefits, visit Oswego Health.