Interim Agency

March 26, 2021

An Interim Agency, as a temporary replacement for the primary recruitment process, is usually recommended by the company that employs you. Interim assignments are normally undertaken on a short-term basis to bridge gaps between hiring periods, during which period the vacancy is not filled and therefore not taking a hit on the books. Companies often hire several individuals on short notice and then fill up the vacant positions from their existing pool of employees. The Interim Agency helps in filling such gaps and provides a smooth continuity between the positions once you have been hired, hence allowing you to step into a new role without interrupting your existing job- Lucrez In Europa.

interim agency


This helps save on time and money since you do not need to train for a specific job, you do not need to go through the rigors of interviewing, coaching or hiring and no loss of salary while you are away from your original job. The Interim Agency’s services are hired from the existing employees and so the work environment is quite similar to that of the primary occupation. Many interim management companies also have supervisors who take up the responsibility of training and supervising the employees. The number of supervisors depends on the size of the firm and their expertise in this field.


There are many companies offering interim executive search services to businesses and organizations. Though the services offered vary widely, a common trait is that the employers tend to look for seasoned professionals who have worked for them before. The size of the firm and its size of the team should be taken into consideration while choosing an interim management company, as should the requirements and profile of the job required. The Interim Agency may be the answer to your recruitment needs.