Level 2 Electrician

November 7, 2022

Whether you need to upgrade or repair your power supply, you need to hire a Level 2 electrician. These electricians are experts in dealing with more complicated and dangerous electrical jobs.

What is the difference between Level 1 and Level 2 electrician?

Level 2 electricians must follow strict laws and regulations in NSW and Australia. They ensure that you get quality work that is safe.

The ASP (Accredited Service Provider) scheme is a system that allows only accredited service providers to carry out electrical work. A Level 2 electrician is certified to perform repairs, installations, and maintenance on the electrical network. These electricians are authorised by the government to carry out these tasks level 2 electrician – spectraelectrical.com.au.

Level 2 electricians are authorised to work on overhead and underground service mains. They can replace or repair protective devices and connect protective devices to the network. They can also upgrade the service network.

Level 2 electricians are also authorised to install power meters. Power meters allow homeowners to keep track of their power usage.

Level 2 electricians also need to have certain qualifications and equipment. They must complete a one-week course at a TAFE to get the required accreditation. They must also send the relevant paperwork to the authority.

Level 2 electricians are also qualified to connect building power to the main electricity network. They can also upgrade underground service mains. They can also fix UV-damaged mains and point of attachment issues. They can install power meters and provide temporary power for building renovations.

Level 2 electricians must also be authorised to disconnect customers from the electrical network. They are also authorised to meter and upgrade customers from the network.