What’s It Like Working As a Temp in France?

May 5, 2022

temporary workers in france

Temps in France are employed by a variety of employers, including temporary-employment agencies. These agencies charge a fee for their services and pay the temporary worker’s wages and benefits. However, temporary workers are not eligible for social security benefits. This article will discuss the employment conditions of these workers and provide links to resources for employers and employees. Read on to find out more about the benefits of working with a temporary agency. Posted in France: What’s It Like Working As a Temporary Worker? Click here – https://lucrezineuropa.com

Provide Temporary Workers

The first step is to find a foreign employer willing to sponsor you. Your employer will then take care of all the work permit and residence permit paperwork. Other ways of obtaining a work permit may involve more research and paperwork. Employment contracts in France can be complicated. Be sure to receive a written contract and ask questions before signing it. You have the right to request that the employment contract be translated, but the original French version is the legal one.

DARES, the French government agency, has released data on France’s job market over the past 25 years. The data shows that a majority of French employees have permanent contracts, though most of them started out with temporary contracts. Overall, 87% of employment in France occurs under temporary contracts. These numbers suggest that temporary workers are more prevalent than you think. However, it is still important to understand the legal implications of hiring temporary workers in France.